Photos are in the loo today!
These are from a few weeks back, en fait. Right before I went to work. I remember that being a great day. After my shift Garth & Cyril picked me up and we smuggled copious amounts of snack food from IGA into the cinema and watched Avatar. And I wished so hard that we had glowing plants.
AA trousers, belt & bodysuit, thrifted Etienne Aigner wedges, thrifted bracelet, watch was a gift from my Granny.
This mid-blink shot had to be included because of this:
Cyril: you look like such a thug. "yeah, I got a lot of shampoo, AND WHAT?"
Now, to continue my French readings where I dozed off last night on the couch... Le grand débat sur l'identité nationale! FREN 334 final = 8:30 AM tomorrow. Ugh, really?
I love smuggling snack food into the cinema. God, I could eat 12 Kit Kat bars right now...what's wrong with me, Erin?! Anyway, you look beautiful (mid blink and all) :) x